
Welcome to our kindergarten class! We have a busy year ahead. Please check the blog often to keep up with what we are doing!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Words of Kindergarten

Word fun with Tagxedo!

I would like to introduce you to Tagxedo. This website can help you turn words into art! I have been brainstorming all day of the various ways that this will be helpful in our classroom.  These are just a few that I am so excited about:
  • New Vocabulary-What a new and exciting way to introduce new vocabulary words. I will be able to take the new words that we will be learning and introduce them in a picture!
  • Descriptive Words-When we are working with words that describe an object, we will be able to make a picture of the objects with the words that describe it!
  • Sight Words-What better way to show the sight words that we know! After each child has finished a set of sight words, they will be able to create a picture with those words to showcase what they know!
I hope that you are able to use this resource at home with your child as well. Exciting things are happening in kindergarten, it's my happy place!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sing Along!

Songs are a great way for your children to learn a new concept. We will use lots of songs throughout the school year to help us remember various skills. Morning Meeting is a time every day that we will come together as a class. We will work on learning the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, and weather. Please watch this video below with your child. This is the song that we use to learn the days of the week. Now you will be able to sing it with your child at home!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Meet Mrs. Hamilton

Today I thought I would give you a little information about your child's teacher. I graduated from Jacksonville State University in 2005 with a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. Since I began teaching, I have been in kindergarten, first, second, and third grades. My heart is definitely in kindergarten! I have been married to my husband for 8 years and we have 2 rambunctious boys. I love the outdoors, Labradors, reading, sewing,cowboy boots, and Alabama football. I love teaching and I am very excited about the upcoming school year!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Getting Off to a Great Start

   I am very excited about the upcoming year! If you are reading this post, it probably means you have received that card indicating that your child is in my class for the upcoming school year. This blog will be a way for you to be involved with your child's kindergarten experience. I will post assignments, projects, field trips, and anything that I feel you need to know to help your child have a successful year. On the right side of your screen, you will a list of blogs and websites. These are educational resources. Please explore them. They may prove helpful during this school year. You will enjoy exploring websites such as, Starfall to help your child practice what they are learning.  Thank you for stopping by our classroom blog. Please make sure to come back often, you may even seen a post written by your child!